St. Paul Lutheren Church & School

7th Street Feast

The 7th Street Feast is our annual community meal on Thanksgiving Day — served in our School Gym for those who wish to share the meal in the company of others, or as a carry-out meal for those who wish to dine at home ... and we even deliver meals to those who are unable to come to our facility. We have a long-standing relationship with Veterans Cab Company in providing free transportation to and from our School Gym for those needing that service.

While the meal began as a solo-effort of our congregation, with the count now exceeding 1,500 meals that day, we welcome the participation of many others: including the Independent Missionary Baptist Church (with which we partner in serving their Christmas Day dinner) and the Salvation Army, as-well-as many individual volunteers and donors (especially from the military community of Ft. Leavenworth).

Watch for more specific information each year as we get close to Thanksgiving — or you may contact the Church Office (913-682-0387; for the contact information of our volunteer coordinators.

To gain further insight into this special ministry of service, watch this video:

7th Street Feast from Scott Prewitt on Vimeo.