The Lord's Supper
The Sacrament of the Altar is the body and blood of our Lord Jesus, present in the bread and wine, for Christians to eat and drink, instituted by Christ Himself. As we commune together, witness is also given that we are united in the faith. At the celebration of the Lord's Supper, we welcome all baptized Christians who accept our belief that the true body and blood of Jesus, shed for the remission of the sins of all people, are truly present in the bread and wine of which we partake. If you have any questions, our pastor would be happy to visit with you.
With regard to Distribution, you may choose to receive the bread either orally or by having it placed in your hand. If you wish to receive the bread in your hand, simply hold your hand out (otherwise it will be administered orally). With the wine, you will have the choice of either the individual or common cups. Individual cups are offered first, and if this is your desire, we ask that you take one of those from the tray as it is offered to you (those not taking an individual cup will be brought the common cup). Please note that the center cup in each tray is reserved for those needing grape juice (rather than wine) for medical reasons.
Those unable to come up the stairs to the Chancel Rail are welcome to commune in or near the front pew (on the south side) at the very start of the Distribution — an Usher will be happy to assist you.